March 2013


spiritual empowerment, practical solutions, & playful adventures to transform your life

(& a lot of stories about my dog)

So today, on Easter Sunday, I decided it was time to finally remove my beloved live Christmas tree from my wonderful garden. I loved this tree so much –– as did all the neighbors and those who could see it –– but perhaps 3 months after the fact, it’s time to take it down. Since it was kept outside, i...
In Bikram today, the newish teacher –– someone I think is intelligent and competent and nice –– super-bizarrely decided to open all three windows and keep them open … even though the temperature had plummeted to 97 degrees. The standard for a Bikram class is 105 degrees, so her doing this was totally...
I realized I need a hat for Cancun –– I think my little ski cap/beanies aren’t going to work in Mexico –– but fortunately we live near a FANTASTIC Hat Store called Goorin Brothers (established 1895 and now run by super-nice hipsters). I do love the fedora I bought –̵...
I find this picture –– part of a series of 33 Most Beautiful Abandoned Places –– quite haunting. It’s even more compelling that it has since sunk into the ocean. Yesterday I saw a terrific possible sublet situation (although a little too expensive) and awoke to find an email saying that the owners ha...
So I’m going to graduate school (sorta). I’ve decided to opt-in to the HootSuite University (free for my trial period and then $30 a month afterward) because well, there’s just no fighting this social media thing. I feel both early and late to the party –– and I keep fantasizing about an ...
I’m happy to say that on my secret tumblr blog where I write about my diet/exercise regime every day, reporting my weight loss (or gain), waist size, Body Fat and BMI (taken from a $40 device I bought on Amazon, so I’m not sure how precise it is), I now have exactly one follower. And frankly, I...
As I try to rein things in and simplify the volume of activities that I feel are incumbent upon me … my DATA went crazy. Meaning, AT&T texted me to tell me that I’ve used up 95% of my data for the month in the first 4 days of my billing cycle. Clearly something is wrong –– and they totally ...
Today I fully realized that things have expanded so in my life that I can’t just rely on “it’ll all work out” as a scheduling strategy. I am a master scheduler, having lived for many years in NYC via private yoga clients, and now scheduling my creative ones (across three continents ...
That Freud and Jung were very funny. At least they are in THE COUCH starring my friend Courtney Walsh. It was heartening to the new play I’m writing, when tonight as the Artistic Director made her short curtain speech about turning cell phones off and said that the play was very funny and the woman b...