It’s All Relative (and a Numbers Game)

I’m happy to say that on my secret tumblr blog where I write about my diet/exercise regime every day, reporting my weight loss (or gain), waist size, Body Fat and BMI (taken from a $40 device I bought on Amazon, so I’m not sure how precise it is), I now have exactly one follower.
And frankly, I don’t really need or want any more.
I’m not doing anything to promote the tumblr blog.  It’s mostly that it’s just more compelling for me to write it down and keep track of it online than it is with pen and paper.
But the MAJOR news is that I have now dropped into a new poundage category –– one I like –– with 15 days before Cancun.
More important than the scale, however, is the super-simple tape-measurement from around my navel along with capricious Body Fat/BMI measure.
Happily, I am in good territory there now, too –– with my body fat (as of this instance at 16.9 (and this fluctuates like crazy in readings 2 seconds apart because it’s electronic or whatever.)
Here’s what that really means:

Frankly, anything below 10 to 12% is insanely creepy –– but I really want to dip down towards that hunkier 15% No Matter What It Takes.
In other number related news, at Bikram yesterday, there was a super-sweet new teacher who was actually really together and had a great energy.  There were, however, a handful of times when she kept us in poses for what felt like an eternity but were probably only about 10 to 15 seconds longer than they should have been.
That’s always something that so important to remember as a teacher –- that what feels like a fleeting nothing interlude when you’re instructing feels VERY different when you’re actually doing the pose.
Which is all weirdly appropriate given that Einstein’s most famous quote about relatively––“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT’S relativity“––is absolutely verifiable anytime a new teacher holds me an extra 15 seconds in a yoga pose in a Bikram class.


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