February 2013


spiritual empowerment, practical solutions, & playful adventures to transform your life

(& a lot of stories about my dog)

Just ever so slightly overwhelmed by all I have on my plate, and thinking now that when I return from Cancun on April 20th, maybe I should hang out for a day in SF but then head to NYC. I do want to meet with my publisher. And I do want to shoot the book trailer so it’s available in early May, at lea...
I do admire how much Belle loves to swim in the ocean, no matter what the temperature. I wish I could be like that but now at least I’ve found a terrific salt water swim experience:  my Chinatown YMCA has an incredible salt water pool.  I’ve gone three times since joining last week an...
I stayed up until around 2:30 last night reading through the novel one last (for now) time, fine-tuning a various lines and fixing a few more typos before the copy editor does his or her pass. Not having looked at it for a few months allowed me to have a much fresher eye, like when you visit your storage s...
As a last minute, semi-neurotic measure I had two friends read through the novel before I was going to turn it into my publisher for production. One was super–enthusiastic and corrected about two dozens typos (although I’m sure the copy editor will find a few more.) The other was also enthusiastic bu...
Probably the stupidest app is the Ugly meter –– although it’s had moments of being the #1 bestselling one, even surpassing Angry Birds. It rates you on a scale of 1 to 10 how ugly you are ––and, as in golf, the lowest score is  best. Angelina Jolie got a 0. George Clooney got a 4. And Brad Pitt got a...
I’ve been thinking all day that right now, it’s more than having too much to do….It’s that if I could JUST DO ONE THING –– or at least focusing on a single project for the MAJORITY of my time –– all would be so much easier. Like, for example, diving in deep and prepping for my June ...
Today I handed in to my publisher several pages of potential copy blurb + a synopsis + sample bios for me + ideas and notes on cover art possibility … but I’m still holding on to the manuscript, at least until this weekend. When you’re filming something, there’s a step before sound ...
He’s not a real person –– well, he is a real person playing a character –– but more and more my hero is this dude from a LAW & ORDER episode called Black Tie. Basically, he’s playing the best defense lawyer in NYC who is hired by a super-rich women when she’s accused of putting her di...
Although I have really taken a deep dive into Lumosity –– a website that promotes brain activity –– and through a few minutes of daily training my Brain Profile Index has doubled in the last 19 days (according to them) … tonight I had a moment of thinking, “What the hell is wrong with me?”...