Becoming A Seal

I do admire how much Belle loves to swim in the ocean, no matter what the temperature.
I wish I could be like that but now at least I’ve found a terrific salt water swim experience:  my Chinatown YMCA has an incredible salt water pool.  I’ve gone three times since joining last week and have almost always had a lane to myself.  [The whole place was renovated last year and there’s nothing SAD and institutional about it;  it’s got a hint of W-hotel, in fact.]
Anyway, do you see what I’m talking about?

I only wish I could smuggle Belle in here to join me, but that might be pressing it.
I’ve been researching the Navy Seals workout regime and I am wildly attracted to its simplicity (and its results).  It’s basically just push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, running, and swimming.
It starts out hard and then gets insanely hard –– like running in week 5 in combat boots –– but I don’t quite have to take it that far.
Plus they’re not that concerned with flexibility and I still have a yoga novel to promote.
I also like that it’s intense but not totally insane.  Like they want you running for five days in a row for 2 weeks and then you take a week off so you don’t get stress fractures.
And now they want me swimming for 15 minutes non-stop a day, five days a week.  That is totally doable.
And in news beyond my new vision of myself as a Navy Seal, I sent off the complete final manuscript today for the novel to my publisher.
I have effectively signed-off –– that is, until I have copy-edits and proofs to review.
But I’m done for now, and honestly, as elated as I am, part of me does feel as though I have just completed a five mile run in combat boots!


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