The Most Perfect Human

This morning began with a tremendous reunion, with Emily Stone –- friend, supporter, and one of the first buyers of my visual art, recently portrayed in the New York Times.    (And by this article, she has outed herself as “not poor” in the yoga community –– so brave!).
Emily is so smart and so great and so funny that somehow 2 hours passed effortlessly until I realized that my constantly rescheduling private yoga finance clients were having a YOGA EMERGENCY and so off Belle and I went, providing Serenity on Demand as it were.
I got an email on the way that I had a package at the UPS Store, realizing only after I’d opened it that the DVDs for the Cruise Line shipment had arrived but that I still have to label and box them tomorrow.  [Honestly, I did for about 30 minutes wonder “Who has sent me a present!”]
Drinks with Laurie Gaugin, chef and wellness expert, with Belle along of course, at Caffe Trieste.
Dinner and drinks with another flood friend, including becoming a Words With Friends partner of hers –– although I am NO FUN at this since all I do is play scrabble online and have an unfair unemployment/literary advantage.
And now I am hoping to catch up with two episodes of The Good Wife, wanting more and more to be like Kalinda  in EVERYTHING.
(Seriously, she is like the most perfect human that our species has evolved –– with the possible exception of Justin Bieber, of course.)

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