Ruthless Editing

I believe one of the nicest things Adrian ever said about me this summer is that I am a “ruthless editor.”  Now that may not be your idea of a favorite compliment, but it’s definitely one of mine.
An interesting morning — a knock on the cottage door by the neighbors involved in our car parking ballet about my engine not starting.  Triple A to the rescue and a complete check-up of the car reveals its health.  We’ll sort it out since this is a unique occurrence, however it was a surprising and quirky beginning to my Saturday.
Most intriguingly, the triple A jump-start came from Batman (a rather shocking stylistic truck choice for 8 am on a Saturday)!
The rest of the time was entirely spent editing with Cyrene via the miracles of modern technology.  Via Skype we could screen share her work.  Oddly, since I’m familiar with the editing program, I was watching my computer watching her computer as the things I wanted to have happen, just happened — ie, I began to feel telekinetic, at least when it comes to video editing.
Cyrene’s work was awesome and somewhere around midnight I saw a near final cut that absolutely delighted me.  We are seconds away from a final cut of our book promo video!
(During the rendering downtime, watched the remainder of GI-JOE which I somehow began to admire for its utter conviction to stay disconnected from any kind of reality, although I did read one review and agree that it does seem like the actors are all kinda having fun, perhaps because they are entirely indifferent to critics.  And again:  please note I have no problem admitting watching the movie guilt-free, but it should be noted that I have a serious actor consideration issue at stake here!)
Anyway, still riding high on the Friday PETA meeting and delighted sharing that with my “team” throughout the day.
Why is it though, even when you’re editing only virtually, one still feels compelled to have pizza at almost every meal?

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