
“Are you in a safe place?….” That’s the first thing they ask you when you call Triple A to report a car problem. And in some weirdly pun-filled irony, when my car hit some weird pothole yesterday and stopped working after a few moments, we pulled into a SAFEWAY supermarket. So ̶...
The Sum of All Fears Flanks The Star Gazer (it seems) Longing For Some Peace…
Bikram at 9 am –– amazing –- followed by methodically working my way through David Neagle’s MASTERING THE CASH INJECTION. Meeting about doing some biz calls for Susan under my new official title –– “Navigator” which Val told me tonight over drinks sounds HOT –– and then, a scant 2 hours a...
Last night Val guided me –– via text –– through a releasing the bubble meditation before I sent out my mass email about my Summer Coaching program. I did modify it a bit –– substituting Peonies for Roses, given that I’d just bought a bouquet that day at Trader Joe’s –– and I improvised a bit fu...
After Bikram with Val, and an extremely thorough nap listening to Tibetan Bells, spent Memorial Day cleaning the cottage in great detail. All of this is in preparation for the mass email going out tonight about my summer coaching program –– new video under CREATIVE GURU –– in that, with everything I’...
At least in my Bikram class. More and more, I’m fully compliant and after a decade at the Laughing Lotus, where the unofficial motto was “move like yourself,” I’ve simply acquiesced to doing everything the way the Birkam folks want me to do them. I like extending out in Janu but the...
Today I got my first pedicure with polish. I’ve had dozens of pedicures in my adult life, really starting as part of being a yoga teacher.  People look at your feet and well, it’s just sorta a necessity. Yet until today I’ve completely resisted getting any polish. But today after jump rop...
Today I jump roped for 12 minutes and there is honestly not the slightest bit of soreness in my calves … I’ve reached a milestone. And I am CRAVING Bikram more and more.  I actually cannot wait until tomorrow’s class. Yesterday, when I went with Val, there was this microscope, super-...
I’ve been obsessing all day about whether or not to get a buzz cut. I love my new haircut in some ways, but feel it should be shorter on the top … or maybe shorter everywhere.  And I can’t tell it it just seemed unfortunate because of our amateur video and the wind or whether I should go ...