Are You Safe?

“Are you in a safe place?….”
That’s the first thing they ask you when you call Triple A to report a car problem.
And in some weirdly pun-filled irony, when my car hit some weird pothole yesterday and stopped working after a few moments, we pulled into a SAFEWAY supermarket.
So “Yes, I am Safe and, in fact, parked at a SAFEWAY.”
This happened yesterday post beach walk with Susan and Belle, and this morning, I returned to the scene to have Triple A tow the car –– the recommended mechanic was closing up shop yesterday and there was no real option except bringing him the car this morning.
In what could have been a true transmission DISASTER, it turns out only one thing was punctured and this was a $230 repair (labor included).  IE, for an accident that incapacitated my car, that’s basically a MIRACLE.
Another source of MAJOR angst last night –– and I have more thoughts on this –– was that I took my new client’s payment via Square Up which has been terrific before but I soon learned is nightmarish at any amount over $1,000.  We’re talking “we need you to send us tons more info, including a tax return, and we may just keep a chunk of your money for a month” nightmare.   And, even more than any other organization I know, they have absolutely no customer service department.  You can’t speak to a human no matter how hard you try.  Seriously –– avoid them AT ALL COSTS!  (I know I will).
Did some incredibly satisfying and fun Navigator calls for Susan with pending but seemingly AWESOME results, and then Bikram with Val.  (We walked which took exactly as long as driving, because the car is still in the shop until Monday.)
Delightful Art Walk with Susan in North Beach, including one gallery I particularly liked + an Italian restaurant where she knew the owner (a big Hugger).
And now … beyond exhausted … about to collapse into bed –– post Safeway walk, and Bikram walk, and art walk –– and  praying that Square Up is finally satisfied and feeling SAFE about my identity (valued at significantly more than $1,000).
[Final note:  the featured image is a photo of the sign at the corner of the Safeway –– impossible to capture without some high-speed camera –– that kept flashing “Expect Delays.”  I mean, just tell me about it!]

2 Responses

  1. Sorry about your car, Edward. But so glad it was cheap to fix! Hey, if you want a recommendation for credit card processing, I’ve got a pretty good one and can share details with you. Shoot me an email if you’re interested.

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