Again –– My Life Flashing Before My Eyes

It wasn’t quite that, but there was an intense moment tonight where the wireless just wasn’t happening.
The airport was on.  It was connecting to the modem.  Five full bars.  And yet … I couldn’t get online.  And I was TERRIFIED.
I began thinking about Worst Case Scenarios about being unplugged, especially right now when I have scripts to revise and clients to advise and emails to get out, all far more than my amazing iphone can handle (no disrespect beloved phone;  you know how much I love you.)
And look, I know Mercury is retrograde and all that but still …
Ordinary unplugging did not work.  But after a long hold, the Comcast lady helped me out (even though she is not the official “provider”) by telling me to first unplug the Router, then the modem;  then replug the modem, and then the router (or maybe it’s exactly the reverse of that.)
All I know is, two tries later, Belle and I are back on the Interweb!
Speaking of airports (REAL ones) …
This morning, picked up Emily Stone –– our super-smart, super-hot friend who bought one of my first canvases and was profiled in The New York TimesGREAT HOMES section last month –– for us to have breakfast before we sped her off to the airport for her flight back to NYC.  (As she said, and I agree, my convertible is “a nice touch” to the whole Edward Vilga San Francisco experience.)
My head is slightly spinning with strategic questions ranging from when I should teach at Rancho La Puerta (apparently the world’s best destination spa) –– it’s a truly great gig –– bringing along Andrea Lake as my guest … and when I should schedule my first tele-seminar or web-call or whatever it’s actually called, also with Andrea Lake as my interviewer (wait:  should we just do the whole thing from the spa in Mexico or is that INSANE?)
Have I mentioned that Susan and Andrew and Jennifer and Otto are off for a spree along the coast and so I am left (unsupervised!) holding down the San Francisco Fort?
Of course, this is PRIME TIME to edit the screenplay down, because I’d like to have a draft a) before Mercury goes direct again and b) in order to have a reading ASAP at Val & Clark’s new pad.
No matter what I know my priorities:  I must post this blog, taking full advantage of Interweb connectivity while it’s functioning.
Honestly –– no horror movie has ever been half as terrifying as me figuring out how I’d get everything done without high speed wireless this week.
It made me re-evaluate EVERYTHING –– although my last conclusion was vaguely “Maybe God just wants me to watch GAME OF THRONES and relax.”

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