Undercover Angel

The Tree Trimmers came by to finish up today and it was … quite something.
First, I woke up and was not quite in alignment –– I couldn’t even get through my usual Abraham Hicks meditation –– but not terrible either.  It’s just that it was 8am and there were people all around me chopping down branches.
Suddenly –– as if from nowhere –– every 15 seconds another limb would crash down inches away from me across the window where I sit at this computer screen.  I didn’t even want to go outside because limbs were randomly falling –– sorta like a Magical Forest version of a Vietnamese minefield.
Anyway, I decided to cancel EVERYTHING work related today except for one trip to Staples for supplies and one quick printing out of postcard reminders for my opening on Thursday at Cavallo –– and just spend the rest of the day cleaning like a madman.
I washed down the cover to the heater –– which I think hasn’t been dusted in a decade (even by me).
I washed walls with a brillo pad.
I re-arranged shelves and washed the rugs (twice actually, to make sure they were clean), and I still kept cleaning.
One other casualty of the tree trimming was that my Christmas tree –- still ablaze and indestructible since it lives outside in the garden and has not once required watering –– suddenly went dark mid-day.  Too many random branches had fallen from the sky and severed connections (or damaged lights.)
Fortunately, I unstrung the tree and brought in all the lights and saw that each and every strand was functioning.
So now, on January 21st, I’m going to re-string my Christmas lights (I hope with Jonah swinging by to help).
Finally another side-effect of the tree trimming was that various things in the garden were uncovered, including a spectacular glass vase and my favorite –– an angel reading a book.  I swear I’ve never noticed her before … but here she is.
Now she’s out and about and reading to her heart’s content.
(I just wish she had an ipad or a Kindle so she could purchase the novel when it comes out in June –– although maybe Angels have some kind of Amazon Prime we can only dream about.)

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