Location & Expectation

Jonah’s lemonade stand today was a triumph –– a $40 profit –– assisted by his charm, of course, but really he did have an astonishingly great location on the Greenwich Steps.  Parades of tourists passing by, ready and willing to purchase a cookie and a beverage (and most of them large tippers) made it such a spectacular success.
[Ironically, as I started this blog I simultaneously purchased David Neagle’s newly released ebook MASTERING THE MASSIVE CASH INJECTION for $0.99 –– why have I done this when clearly I could just have Jonah mentor me…?  Or is it too early for the Jonah ebook on finance?]
Exponential jump-rope progress this morning, followed by a 2 hour read-through of the script at Caffe Puccini.  Lemonade stand visit and then more script notes, short nap, and then off to Bikram.
I will say this:  knowing the Bikram sequence has made all the difference (taking the experience from sheer torture to tolerable).  I’m not sure this is true for every Bikram student, but I function so much better knowing there are four poses before the water break, or how many there are before the first Savasana, or how many backbending ones there are, and on and on and on.
Somehow knowing the geography of the class has radically transformed my experience of it.  I have more to say on this –– the connections between uncertainty and hope and persistence and attitude –– but for now I’m just appreciating how much better my experience is.
And again, I’m too dazed from heat delirium and keeping a 120 page script’s structure in my head, but there’s something directly parallel about knowing what’s coming ahead and putting your lemonade stand in the right place.
[I just can’t follow the thread any further tonight…]

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