As a last minute, semi-neurotic measure I had two friends read through the novel before I was going to turn it into my publisher for production.
One was super–enthusiastic and corrected about two dozens typos (although I’m sure the copy editor will find a few more.)
The other was also enthusiastic but thought that my hero’s use of slang (he’s a 28 year-old Dude) when he refers to women might be a little dated.
Do guys really still say things like “Babe” or “Chick” etc.?
Thus began an intense polling of mid twenties folks to find out that shockingly, there has been astonishingly little innovation or originality in Dude Speak.  “Hottie” still works as much as it did 10, 15, 20 years ago.
There are some new terms, however, and I did learn about a dozen new ones, ranging from 11s to  Vandal, Bunny, Bird, Chicken, Honey Dip, Dip and Dime Piece.
I also learned that “booty call” from the 90s is still being said –– as is “hot fox” which seems like it’s from the 70s –– although “hit and run” is also used for a late night one-night stand (which is a phrase I don’t think anyone is using.)
I was literally so engrossed in this topic while finishing a final read-through, that I forgot to pick up my laundry from the laundromat before it closed tonight.
It does seem like poetic justice that while researching cool sex terminology, I have quite literally left all my underwear behind.

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