In Brief

I can really on focus only what’s happening at DOWNTON ABBEY (and secondarily) in the world of my screenplay.
I have another 30 minutes of the 1st season finale to watch and it’s a MIRACLE I can break away to do anything else.

Why is this show so amazing?  [According to Wikipedia, it “has subsequently become the most successful British costume drama since the 1981 television serial version of Brideshead Revisited, and in 2011 it entered the Guinness Book of World Records as the ‘most critically acclaimed English-language television show’ for the year, becoming the first British show to be so recognised.”]

Most importantly, EVERY character (except maybe O’Brien, our Ladyship’s maid), no matter how badly behaved seems honest and real and forgivable.  [Even Thomas, the first footman.]
May I also say that I love that the first image in the credits is the view of the Earl’s legs as he walks his golden labrador retriever — ie, even Belle can get behind this show.
Tomorrow, Sunday, I teach my workshop at the Laughing Lotus about Abs and core strength.
I actually do know a lot on the topic, but I have been so engrossed in the affairs at the Abbey (and I am now about to download all episodes of Season 2 that are available on Itunes) that I have barely had time to consider my notes from when I originally taught it in NYC 2 years ago.
[I find that time fact astonishing;  can’t believe that it was 2 years ago, right before traveling to Crete to lead an amazing retreat with someone named “Mary Dana” — my notes get vague right about there.]
Thank Heaven for copious notes — why do we only use the word “copious” with notes? — and plenty of time in the morning to re-imagine it all.
Although I have to admit, as I thought about the workshop this week, I found phrases in my notes that were once no doubt quite meaningful, at best now cryptic.  For example, with no context, just the words:  “Gift Wrap.”  What does that mean?
Anyway, I must complete my own script (84.7% of the scenes written) and most importantly, assist in any way I can show my support at the Abbey.
I just pray Lady Mary makes the Right Choice so that Belle and I can sleep soundly tonight.

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