How The Universe Works

I do love Instant Netflix but sometimes their logic is fascinating.
Because I liked the Comedy Central Charlie Sheen Roast, here was their latest (hilarious) suggestion for me:
HOW THE UNIVERSE WORKS:  “an enlightening tour of our current cosmic knowledge in this miniseries that starts with the Big Bang and covers alien galaxies and solar systems, as well as the space-shattering properties of a supernova event.”
Yes, I get how liking THE WILD PARROTS OF TELEGRAPH HILL might have suggested this –– it’s not such a big leap from birds to capital “N” Nature –– but there’s something beyond genius about equating Charlie Sheen with “an enlightening tour of our current cosmic knowledge.”
Obviously, Sheen is more indestructible than any black hole, and so therefore it might not be a huge stretch to assume that he may indeed truly understand the innermost workings of the Universe.  Actually, I can get behind that reality.
This morning, I awoke to the next 8 am call for my Platinum Self-Actualization Program, one that I thought was also (near Charlie Sheen-level) Genius.
Some of it was so inspiring and directly relatable, although one of the central questions/challenges eludes me.  Specifically, that one’s opportunity is already present and one’s eyes just need to be opened to it.
In all honesty, I feel I have the opposite problem:  TOO MUCH opportunity (and unclear Next Action Steps.)
[note to reader:  I started listing all the incredible things that are happening/in-process/just-within-reach and then stopped myself because it’s feeling both obnoxiously boastful AND overwhelming.]
This morning, my Platinum Yoga Client had to rescheduled and I guess more or less gifted his lesson at the last minute to a colleague, another finance guy who was totally sweet and great.
The secretaries at the firm have fallen in love with Belle since I brought her there at Xmas to pick up my check, and insisted I bring her to the colleague’s lesson, mostly so they could have a few minutes with her before and after.  She is like a magical breeze of soft goodwill in the corporate tower and more than happy to make the rounds of greetings and licks.
Home to do various biz things, including packaging up the 60 copies of my old DVD ordered by the Cruise line.
Then Hotel Vitale for Chip Conley’s signing party.
I semi-cutted in the line (there was a massive 1st step of buying a book, when I had already bought one and even published my five star amazon review), but I figured with Belle as service dog by my side + Susan as Chip’s really good friend ensured of a massive hello, it would be hard to question me.
As I predicted, huge greeting from Chip for Susan — and a big shout out to her during the Thanks and give-aways –– and of course Belle was invited into numerous Event Photos.
Dinner with Susan and Chip’s Muse Vanda afterwards (I insist on pronouncing her name  “Von-dah” or even “Vaughn-Dah” and I actually believe I am correct) at Hillstone’s.
But if we’re being honest, Belle’s really the star there.  At the end of the meal, the waiter came out and asked if Belle would like some filet mignon bones to take home, and by that I mean he spoke about her directly by name –– he didn’t really need to know any of ours.  This was also after Brittany, another waiter, came up and told me she was halfway through Belle’s book.  [Belle actually got two bones to take home + 1 order of dog treats at the restaurant and one to go.]
Thus, even though Charlie Sheen may be the next most logical, go-to person in Netflix’s mind for “How the Universe Works,” lets face it:   it really is Belle who completely and best understands the Working of the Cosmos –– at least on the level of Doggy Bags.


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