Close Encounters

Yesterday, I swear I searched for five full minutes for matches to light one of the burners on the stove, only to discover that they’d been there the entire time.
Or at least I think so …
Bashar –– my favorite channeled alien –– speaks a lot about shifting between endless parallel universes. When you make a change, your entire universe changes (he is quite adamant about these points) and apparently this is happening BILLIONS of times a second.  [The issue is that most of our changes are so slight that everything ends up looking almost identical to what existed before;  ie, we keep re-creating the same universe from scratch on a pretty much constant basis.]
Speaking of wise aliens, after teaching on Wednesday I headed towards the beach at sundown.  There’s something fantastic about an evening beach walk with Belle whose enthusiasm is undiminished by the lack of sunshine.
At one moment we looked up and this is what we saw:



And as we drove to exit the beach:
I wish I had a more dramatic story, however perhaps this is simply because my memory has been wiped clean from our encounter.
If Belle knows more, she’s definitely not telling.
And on the topic of forgetting, I re-watched my Treasure Map video this morning and found it astonishingly moving, not just because of all the Awesomeness in my life right now, but also because I re-realized how easy it is to forget what’s right in front of you.  (Again, I swear those matches were NOT there…Seriously.)
Anyway, dinner last night at the bar at Plant where I read Larry’s treatment for a new feature, followed by working at home a bit, and an ANTM break, then a nightcap at Don Pistos with Belle where I read Adam Gopnik’s article about his dog in The New Yorker. (My subscription to the NYer has lapsed during my travels, so this was the one issue I picked up at the laundromat and synchronistically opened to it.)   Outside Don Pistos, Belle reunited with super-cute puppy Kearny, the awesome bartender’s awesome new puppy (her parents actually raise service dog puppies which is the most noble and heart-breaking thing I can imagine).
By the way, let’s look at those matches again:
They are for a place called VENTANA (which I know is Spanish for window.)
But I also originally thought they said VEDANTA at one point and so vaguely remembering that Hindu term, I looked that up.
Here’s what I found:
“There is a story in Mundaka Upanishad that runs like this: Once in a tree there were two birds, one at the upper branch, serene, majestic and divine, and the other at a lower branch, restlessly pecking fruits, sometimes sweet sometimes bitter. Every time, when the restless bird ate a bitter fruit, it looked at the upper bird and climbed a branch up. This occurred a number of times and eventually the bird reached the topmost branch. There it was not able to differentiate itself from the divine bird, and then it learned that there was only one bird in the tree, the upper bird, which is described as divine, the real form of the other restless bird. This is the thought of Vedanta.”
Whether through the window or up the tree, this restless bird knows I must have shifted universes … because five minutes ago, those matches really were NOT there.   (I swear).

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