Against Astronomical Odds, A Message of Hope

Amazing Friday afternoon at the beach listening to the Emperor Concerto (Brendel & the Chicago Symphony Orchestra) while Belle threw her heart and soul into fetch.
Strangely this VERY X-Files dude in a black trench coat was watching something mysterious and Italian being filmed as well.  I mean, WHAT is that outfit saying (I was in shorts and a hoodie, which seemed the perfect combo of warm enough but not denying the water.)
I, however, was feeling quite triumphant based on progress with the novel’s option.  EVERYTHING that I have been hoping was going to happen since I started writing it, is now unfolding BETTER than I could have anticipated.  (Although I will admit, like many things, it has taken longer than I thought necessary — hear me O Universe!)
Anyway, felt such joy listening to the Emperor and never noticed before how the last bit of the second movement leads directly into the third (ie, there’s no pause between them whatsoever.)  It’s rather amazing.  The theme  gets haltingly/playfully expressed once, then twice, and then it starts the third time and almost instantly quintuples in volume and is fully-realized.  It’s very SHAZAM;  after a few stumbles, here I am fully-formed, perfect and GLORIOUS.  (Oddly, I kept thinking of the moment in WICKED when my great friend Cristy gets her magic ruby red slippers and suddenly after a few stumbles is up and out of the wheel chair and dancing like nobody’s business.)  Somehow, as the novel/film is coming together, it was the perfect musical metaphor for personal self-realization, transformation, and empowerment.
Home to organize and sort and plan, all while watching endless CW shows in the background.  Somehow that network totally appeals to the 14 year-old girl in me, something reinforced by the novel’s option.  [Next step is that a list of movie stars for the leads is being drawn up, and each one is more creatively exciting to me than the next.   Sort of like hanging up Tiger Beat posters, except you’re also considering box office mojo and doing major deals with them.]
I will write more about this later, but I decided to refine an old list I had of “magical” Law of Attraction moments in my life.
Anyone who knows me at all can testify that I do seem to have an EXTRAORDINARY number of “against all odds” events in my life (mostly in my favor).  From the seemingly banal coincidence to the “OMG, that’s amazing” stories involving massive synchronicity.
Anyway, the list was very inspiring and comforting, and actually quite challenging because I decided to try to rank my top 10 Magical Synchronicity Moments.
I suppose my basic criterion was “I dare you to explain this by anything other than Aligning with the Magic of the Universe,” but even then it’s hard to decide what’s truly the most impressive (although having celebrities involved does help!)
I did notice a general trend that they are on a major increase — which helps reinforce my entire CRACKPOT worldview, thank you — but also that a few from decades past had tremendous and continuous meaning.
Here’s perhaps my all time favorite.
Ten years ago in NYC, I was having a reading with a beloved intuitive named Patricia Masters on the phone.   We were winding things down after a great session and I asked her, “This is probably too broad a question, but can you help me define the purpose of my artistic work?”  She replied, “No, that’s easy.  Your purpose is to be a MESSENGER OF HOPE.”
And at that instant, the buzzer rang.  I wasn’t expecting anyone since I blocked out this private time, so I answered it with “Yes…?”  The reply:
“Hi, I’m Michelle and I’m here with a MESSAGE OF HOPE.”
Now, it was of course some sort of Jehovah’s Witness or Mormon mind you, but Patricia and I couldn’t stop laughing.
Clearly, the Universe wanted to REALLY reinforce this point — otherwise, even though the reading was very comforting at the time, I would have no doubt have forgotten it entire.  And, of course, the odds of someone telling you “here’s your life purpose” and a stranger knocking at the door and repeating it exactly as pretty much … astronomical.
So, I dare you to explain this away –– for even if Patricia had been diabolical enough to have somehow pre-arranged this, there was no way she could have known I would have asked that question.
It remains my biggest reminder of what is possible for me –– and stands as the only occasion I’ve been thrilled to have a proselytizing missionary knocking on my door.

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