And by that I mean that I am going to town on the screenplay.
David Neagle wants me engaged in “Miracle Generating Activities” so here’s my track record for the day.
Yesterday at 8:30 pm:  160 index cards (in Final Draft Pro) and wrote 41 of those scenes equally 26%.
By this afternoon, 88 written of 181 equaling 48.6%.
[You understand that I start with a card for each episode in novel but then realize that’s quickly more than one scene.  In a script, every time you switch locations or time passes it’s a new scene.  As an example, a chapter that takes place at a party where people move from room to room might start as one index card — PARTY AT THE LOFT — but because of the mechanics becomes 5 cards.  Or a paragraph about the various times you tried something becomes several separate scenes. You don’t have to think about this when you’re writing the novel, but when you’re draft a script that someone’s actually going to produce, you need to help the production manager out a bit.]
A major parking miracle today:  my favorite spot (meaning one side had a non-space and was therefore open) at the top of the hill.
Second miracle:  my elusive friend Brian was spontaneous and texted me about lunch.  We live 150 feet from each other (quite literally) and this was our second encounter in 5 months.  He is busy running a children’s media EMPIRE, but still … nice to connect.
We had lunch in the park and I had a hit that I should ask if he’d ever heard about EFT/tapping.  Turns out he had done it a while ago and liked it and wanted a refresher of the system.  As I was showing him, a woman saw and said, “I need to do that again, too” and sat down on the bench so I could show her the correct pressure points.
My yoga workout:  30 dropbacks, 2 minutes in handstand, and 7 in headstand.
Took a lavender salt bath — which was a weird combination of salty and soothing.
And now writing a scene and then watching a scene from the Vampire Diaries.
A scene for a scene — like an eye for an eye.  Very vampire/biblical.
(God knows I love the VAMPIRE DIARIES but I do wonder if they’ve given too many loopholes for Elder vampires to keep springing back to life.)
In a weirdly parallel vein, Katherine texted me about some David Neagle videos we have access to.  I’m both thrilled and daunted that there’s yet another 4 hours of new material to consume.
Going to keep writing for a few hours more tonight — but at this tally:  111 out of 189 scenes, or 59% written.
Final miracle of the day:  my sister sent me some scans of photos I’ve wanted for writing/Inner Child collage work.  Here are the three eldest (my youngest sister hasn’t been born yet.)
The Miracle Generating is On –– Full Gallop.

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