April 2013


spiritual empowerment, practical solutions, & playful adventures to transform your life

(& a lot of stories about my dog)

Whatever you believe is the source behind my cold –– Abraham’s lofty belief that my body hasn’t caught up with my new higher vibration; or sick building disease re: the AC in Cancun;  or just stress behind moving and a new book release;  or good, old-fashioned germs –– one thing is for sure: Ge...
When you’re up at 4:30 and on set by 7 am on a Sunday morning to film your book trailer, you can help but feel supremely virtuous and enormously productive. The shoot was splendid –– actors were amazing, my crew spectacular –– and I have to say the footage looks INCREDIBLE. And now –– exhilarated but...
Today, my cinematographer and I trolled around NYC and Dumbo shooting the cityscape we’re going to project on our male model’s body tomorrow. This included the Meatpacking District, and the West Village, and even my old digs in Chinatown. Super-fun –– and then off to American Apparel to buy fou...
Sometime after the Dolphin swim, my system was overloaded with Abraham-Hicks high vibrations and I lost my voice. Then I returned to SF and moved everything else out of the cottage, fled to Mill Valley to stay with my college roommate for 2 nights (which sounds like the plot of another god-awful Adam Sandl...
Oddly. those were the names –- “Athena” and “America” of the dolphins I swam with today. Although I definitely wanted more “free time” with the dolphins, I have to say it really is pretty extraordinary to pet them and hug them and see how incredibly intelligent and inter...
Woke up at 4 a.m. –– a surprisingly good night of sleep considering that I dropped Belle off last night with Kate, her pre-guardian before Daniel and Lana (FYI, Kate is spectacular and her parents even raise labs as guide dogs so she is more than well qualified for a night of Belle-sitting) –– all to catch...
For a while when I was a pure night owl in NYC I would often watch Nikita on USA -– or somewhere –– at 2:30 in the morning. And my favorite thing about it was that the highest level operative Michael pretty much only said 2 things in each and every situation and somehow that was enough. I’ve had mome...
Second to the last night in the cottage. 2 more days on my regime before I leave for Cancun. Surprising last minute orders of DVDs I have to ready for Hong Kong and Seattle. Awesome interview w/major magazine today that will appear in tandem with book release –– must solve all download problems for bonus g...
So tonight I broke my 21 day juice fast with a cucumber. And I felt guilty. Guilty of eating. Of course it was necessary since it would be quite impractical to have continued while in Mexico, lugging a juicer and Vitamix into a different country. And it may also be unnecessary in general in that I’m ...