October 2012


spiritual empowerment, practical solutions, & playful adventures to transform your life

(& a lot of stories about my dog)

Tomorrow, Wednesday, we leave to LA for a few days and today major little bits of planning fell into place. I’m really thrilled about my LA housing via airbnb.com –– another magical cottage, pics to come soon –– and cannot wait to see Patricia Scanlon’s new play. I was, ...
My scheduling became quite complicated for my LA trip since I first needed to figure out if Adrian was coming or not. However the vast flooding quite meant that his Wednesday flight was canceled and that he is stuck with me and Belle in San Francisco for ____ more days. We also spent the last East Coast hu...
Back from the East Coast Three dozen things to schedule Before LA on Thursday. (P.S. Wow)
But it was for me. After my panel presentation (which went amazingly well), I did a little pre-packing and realized that I needed a new ziplock Baggie (one of my flax seed oil capsules burst). I thought the gift shop might have some for travelers, but no. Then I went for a short walk through downtown Ralei...
In some ways, almost by definition, owners of convertibles are optimists. We belief that the weather’s going to be consistently good enough to justify the added expense for our vehicles’ ability to open up to the sky at will. My optimism was tested today as I looked at the weather forecast for ...
I began today with Bikram which I realize, since my monthly expired, I’ve been drifting by only once or twice a week. I do love it but it is a major commitment –– 90 minutes of class plus 30 minutes of travel each way = a 2.5 hour activity –– and I feel that starting my morning at 11 am (if I take th...
Well, at least for your own shoes. Thus says the sign at the spa where I did the hot/cold plunge regime today (required as per my beauty mentor Naomi Campbell.) I do feel entirely refreshed each time I visit the spa (also incredibly clean as well).  It pretty much always works for me as a mood-clarifier. I...
So somewhere between midnight and Saturday morning, the compact refrigerator in the cottage died, more or less. When I took it out and replaced it today, I saw that it was made in 1988 –– so it has served at least 24 years. There was an interesting moment when I wasn’t quite sure if the mini had room...
I love that saying from Abraham Hicks, “The Better It Gets, the Better it Gets.” And never has this been proven to be more true than in my triumphant lampshade purchase on Saturday night. And of course, I have “Before” and “After” PROOF (plus, are you getting that the &#...