October 2011


spiritual empowerment, practical solutions, & playful adventures to transform your life

(& a lot of stories about my dog)

It was an utterly perfect day weather-wise in San Francisco, but my horoscope on Astro.com was dead on: Buried Tensions ** Be extremely careful of your tendency toward moody irritability at this time. You are very subject to outbreaks of irrational and compulsive behavior that will not serve your bes...
Taught on Saturday morning at the Lotus to a group of VERY receptive yogis.  (And so appreciative of the lovely Alisa who makes my life so happy because she loves Belle and therefore watches her at the front desk while I teach.) Signing at Acre was sweet and simple and highlighted by two fantastic reunions...
Have no time/inclination for a longer blog today with the book signings but I want to stay true and disciplined and remember the day.  I love writing the longer entries, but this just isn’t the day — and yet I don’t want to let it go by unrecorded/unremembered. I don’t want to forge...
I have a good story about my body –– and by that I mean one that works for me. In the 90s I dabbled in some Alexander technique and my teacher Daniel Singer, whose now a senior faculty member of the ACAT, told me one morning that I had a “lucky body.”  When I asked what he meant, he said, ̶...
Yesterday, I swear I searched for five full minutes for matches to light one of the burners on the stove, only to discover that they’d been there the entire time. Or at least I think so … Bashar –– my favorite channeled alien –– speaks a lot about shifting between endles...
Morning conversation with my amazing producer-to-be re: the novel’s option and her attorney about the contracts.  There will soon be a “break out the champagne” moment but this was just really nitty-gritty clauses and such (versus our exuberant “let’s put on a show”...
Taught my 4:30 Lotus class and I really wanted to start out mentioning Buffy but found myself holding back.  How well do I really know these students, I wondered, thinking I’d play it safe and talk about the “normal” Hindu deities they’ve come to expect in a Lotus class. Midway...
Astonishingly lovely drive to Sonoma to visit John Curry and Janice Crow, two artists who are friends with Susan who were having a show of their work over the weekend. I loved so much of their stuff –– took several photos of pieces that might just work perfectly with the decor in my unmaterialized San Fran...
Spent the bulk of the day creating a TREASURE MAP (per Susan’s suggestion) that would help me refocus on all that’s working well. I may not have an enneagram type, but I definitely am the sort who is often 99% focused on the 1% that isn’t working.  Not in annnoying way to others –– like w...