11:11 (the real meaning and beyond)

You know how all your crackpot friends are constantly saying they look at their clocks or watches at 11:11 and that it’s mystical/angelic/alien … ?
Well, what keeps happening to me is that I look up at the thermometer in Bikram and it’s 111.1 degrees –– I’m not kidding.  And it’s often only that temperature for tiny increments as 0.1 degrees can be shifted by even the tiniest whisper of air or sweat.
I have no idea what it means –– but it’s sorta awesome when it happens (which is now daily).
Drove Amy and family to the airport this morning, and even though you can’t quite see it here, their luggage created a total “clown car” scenario of just barely making everything work.  We had to pull over and adjust at least once, but somehow it turned out to be the most amazingly fun trip to the airport EVER.

And tonight –– very soon in fact –– I’m making my second airport run of the day to pick up Adrian from his midnight flight.
On the road home from the airport, the engine warning light flickered and so –– thrilled by my new mechanic –– I drove immediately over and got the computer diagnostic.  He seems to think everything is fine and that a sensor needs replacing, and that Adrian and I have a “reasonable” chance of traveling safely to Sonoma tomorrow.  [I did like his quote, “If you have AAA and a charged cell phone, you’ll be fine.”]
Lots of business-y things and then my private client.
And then 111.1 Bikram (perhaps since the temp goes over 115, this might be me just noticing that it’s gotten suddenly “chilly.”)
I was starting to feel overwhelmed by all the items on my to do list, but I realized that NOTHING actually has to happen tonight/tomorrow, and so I opted in for a fantastically fun dinner with Susan and Belle.
And now, setting up fresh house guest sheets and tidying before taking off to the airport –– and actually since the flight lands a little before midnight and the airport is 25 minutes away, I do plan to leave at 11:11 on the dot!

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