Well, at least for your own shoes.
Thus says the sign at the spa where I did the hot/cold plunge regime today (required as per my beauty mentor Naomi Campbell.)
I do feel entirely refreshed each time I visit the spa (also incredibly clean as well).  It pretty much always works for me as a mood-clarifier.
I spent a small chunk of time prepping today for my panel at the National Science Writer’s Conference that’s this weekend in North Carolina –– like reserving blocks of sessions for people afterwards online via Time Trade –– and then more time on TimeTrade figuring out how to schedule blocks into the future for this New York Times online promotion that’s happening at the beginning of December.
Contemplating a trip next week to LA to see my genius friend Patricia Scanlon’s new show, although –– except for Daniel’s cat intense situation –– I seem to have a million people to have lunch with but no one I’m feeling directly inspired to hit up for housing.   I may, however, have found the perfect little cottage in Venice on airbnb which would solve MANY problems.
Anyway, Dinner with SK(W) and JW(K) and Belle at Le Méditerranée where a fan spotted SK(W) and Belle made a new one with the woman seated across.
Perhaps the best little synchronicity of the day revealed at dinner was when JW(K) revealed he left behind a stack of clothing in the laundromat yesterday with a note saying “FREE,” and I revealed that I was wearing one of the two white t-shirts from the stack that I took for my jump rope workouts (all my other t-shirts seem very fancy and product-placed by my yoga company sponsors;  I don’t feel quite right sweating in them.)
But it is hilarious how releasing those t-shirts into the universe, meant they came right back to him, albeit 3 flights closer to the earth.
Somehow this ties in with the sign at the spa, except in this case I suppose one is responsible for where one’s t-shirts end up.

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