Winning Against the Echoes

The morning spent at the high-speed wireless temp office space, uploading photos from the NYC events for THE LATEST on this site and on the UPWARD DOG site, too.  Lots of thank you emails and updates and internet promotion that required being around young dot com types and those bulletin boards you can write on with magic markers.
A splendid conversation with my Hollywood producer who could not be greater (seriously) just before Belle and my beach walk.   In her world, Hollywood’s #1 hot star is a realistic, attainable choice for our movie, and thus I suppose in my world, it is now, too.  It is a splendid situation and soon I will reveal all the details.
I must be honest and report two instances of Basharian echoes yesterday– hints of old vibrations I’m evolving still manifesting — mostly so I can see whether or not I’ve truly made changes and realizations.
The first involved a snarky comment on the Interweb — one that was easily deleted, but lingered in my mind long after it had been removed.  My response was A+, but eager for even less reaction/less thought devoted to such things.
Post beach I went to Kabuki for a soak and scrub and steam, still high from my Human Design reading and commitment to a complete revision of my relationship to waiting for invitations.  However …
If we’re being honest, Kabuki’s check-out process is beyond inept.  When you pay for your visit, you have to give them your license in order to get a locker key.  (I assume so that you don’t run off with the locker key accidentally afterwards, thus requiring a locksmith each time someone is blissed out and forgetful.)
In theory, this should be simple:  plunk down your key, get your license and go.  5 seconds right?
But of course, as I was exiting, the woman in front of me at the front desk was making endless future spa appointments and then instantly remembering a conflict and needing to change them, and asking what seemed like dozens of silly questions.  Basically she existed solely to torture me by preventing me from turning in locker key #48 so I could get my license and get out of there.
Now it is true that Susan and I were eager to get to our celebratory dinner at Mandalay so that we could get home at a decent hour to watch ANTM, and it’s also true that their system really could be so much more efficient … However …
It did occur to me only once I was safely back in my car, that it was not without irony that my commitment to mastering The Beauty of Waiting was momentarily undone by 3 minutes standing in line post spa visit.
I am, however, passing another kind of test from the Universe with flying colors.   When I took Belle out for her evening walk and sauntered into Don Pisto’s, after asking to settle up for my one margarita, Kate the bartender said, “This one’s on me.”

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