Monday was somehow easy and amazing.  Perhaps my brain has indeed been rewired, as I woke up like a new person and everything seemed fresh and positive and EASY.
Although I did show up for a haircut appointment that did not exist.  This guy has awesome reviews on Yelp (although this photo seems a little Sopranos for me) yet still I loved the location and pricing and general classic simplicity of his offering.  Plus his site is amazing together about appointments and confirmations etc.
However, I realized after five minutes of waiting outside with Belle that he was closed on Mondays and that my appointment was for Tuesday — the same time as my only other appointment besides my class this week.  I have rescheduled for Thursday as I feel that a little trim pre-book signing parties is important.
My class at the Lotus was small but splendid.
Susan and I got in a mini beach walk with Belle (and Yofe) before I taught.
A late afternoon text from Jasmine asking me to sub at the Lotus in the am on Tuesday which thrills me.
And sent out about 200+ invites to my NYC signing.  (I actually surpassed my hourly email sending allotment, something I didn’t know I had.)
[FYI:  the weirdest thing though is that a strangely large number of humans sent me a response like:  “OMG!  When can I see you?”  — when the answer is like, “uh … at the event I just invited you to…” (Note:  I’m not counting folks who said they couldn’t come to the signing;  just those who didn’t seem to realize there’s a REALLY easy and public and free-drink way to see me.)]
[Note 2:  It’s not that I’m averse to a private audience with a dear friend, but you get my drift:  Eddie V has books to peddle for Belle’s college fund — she’s can’t live off her looks alone forever!]

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