Spent the afternoon in a momentary tizzy over being censored.
Had posted “something” “somewhere”  that I thought “someone” had deleted –– and then the next day (right before I called the ACLU and Alan Dershowitz) –– I discovered that I was … (drumroll) … WRONG!  My posting had not been deleted at all;  I was simply looking under the wrong categories.
I am VERY thankful I did not write either the irate “how dare you!” complaint email or the “let’s talk hurt feelings” one either.   [And I guess some would say, it was merely Me who was not aligned with what I was putting out there.]
Bashar would say that everything one wants already exists –– that to manifest something you don’t have to really make something out of nothing.  Rather, we just have to align ourselves with the vibration where we can see that it’s already in front of us.  That’s a lot less work –– I don’t have to VIBE something into being –– but also a lot more challenging because it’s so seemingly simple.
Now, I have proof of how that works on a romantic/sexual level (although saving the details for my memoirs).   One shift and you suddenly realize that someone (or many) have been more or less right in front of you.  (Interesting:  I corrected but loved this typo in the last sentence where I wrote “release that someone” and not “realize that someone”;  RELEASING to REALIZE…hmmmm)
Anyway, I don’t just mean the movie-makover REALIZATION moment of “why now that you’ve taken off your glasses, you’re beautiful Miss Pennyweather.”
Harder, for me, to find that with Cash Flow.  IE, there may indeed be someone super-cute at the gym (although I don’t belong to a gym in San Francisco yet) I’m brushing past constantly (because I’m without my glasses) but I feel for certain I am not overlooking the big bag of money that’s at the foot of my bed … Or am I?
One of the many, many things I love about Bashar is when he speaks about themes for lifetimes.  Somehow, I find that infinitely comforting.
You’re not screwing up over and over again on the same topic;  you’re exploring a THEME.  It’s a helpful rephrasing that does not only let me off the hook, it also actually feels true.
I loved Dan Millman’s THE PEACEFUL WARRIOR when I read it a long time ago, but I was surprised how strangely drawn I was to his numerology book THE LIFE YOU WERE BORN TO LIFE.  Numerology has never spoken that much to me (and as recent entries show, I defy the enneagram!)
However, that book really hit home in its discussion of my Purpose –– although the word Purpose is much HEAVIER than Theme — and you should definitely try his Life Purpose Calculator and see if it rings true for you.
“Theme” is somehow just a more neutral, pliable word, one that allows you, in fact requires you to explore and play around with it.  Themes and Variations have always been one of my favorite musical forms (the Goldberg, of course, and the fourth movement of the Trout Quintet).  In fact, for YEARS I was obsessed with the Gould 1955 debut recording and listened to it daily, and now of course, the Dinnerstein has my utter devotion.
And at Yale there was even a course –– which I actually didn’t take because it seemed too easy for me –– called Daily Themes where you had to write 300 words every day or something like that.  [Did Yale unknowingly invent blogging?]
Somehow, just the thought that I am working on a THEME makes me feel like I’m actually on purpose and doing everything exactly as I am supposed to be doing (rather than just dredging up the same old stuff again and again because I am failing to learn some assigned lesson.)
I’m excited about totally re-evaluating my relationship to My Themes, becoming a conscious creative collaborator rather than someone unwittingly caught in a Cosmic Hall of Mirrors, reflecting more of the same old drama (even though –– if we’re being honest –– a lot of that drama was indeed pretty juicy!)

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