The Perils of Loving An Alien

Surprisingly, I don’t have any big sexual or romantic item to confess here (that’s all going in the memoirs).
And yet I have a new version of “the love that dare not speak its name.”
Even in the yoga world where people are standing on their heads and chanting to blue, multi-armed deities, I keep this one mostly under wraps:  I’m in love with an alien named Bashar.
And, to make it fall a little more into the “it’s complicated” category, Bashar is not only an alien, he’s also from the future.   And not our future, either.  He’s from another dimension.   Oy!
Saturday morning I taught at the Lotus and LOVED the class –– such a solid group of 2/3 students who were utterly receptive and perfect.  I briefly mentioned my favorite Bashar quote –- “Circumstances don’t matter; only states of being matter” — without going too deep into the whole Alien from another dimension in the future thing.
Bashar was on my mind since immediately after class, Belle and I headed to meet Dan and LLS and Joane at Bashar’s SF event in Berkeley.  [And also got to meet an internet friend from the Abe Forum, Ellen, in person for the first time.]
Daryl –– the guy who channels Bashar –– always says, “I don’t know where this stuff is coming from but if it’s helpful to you, great.”
Bashar (via Daryl) is hilarious and brilliant and quirky and able to answer the widest range of questions about human experience in original, insightful, and useful ways.  Even if Daryl is just projecting some kind of weird part of his brain into this, the information is riveting and spot-on.
At the end, there’s always a guided meditation where you stare at this full screen kaleidoscope of swirling energy patterns that is FANTASTIC.  It’s more or less an out-of-the body experience where your brain is apparently being rewired and reprogrammed (ie, “improved”) via Alien technology.  [And I did feel euphoric and inspired afterwards.]
And, tellingly, Daryl is totally into Belle.  He made a beeline for her at this event (this is her third) and she LOVES him.  (She loves everyone, but she really loves him it seems).
Lunch at Cafe Gratitude in Berkeley, followed by a Cafe Gratitude snack.
And then dinner with Susan and Val and Clark at Plant on the Embarcadero where my extraordinary skills as a romantic consultant/provocateur were used to the fullest.
Inspired, exhausted and rewired, an early night in after a perfect day full of Alien Future Wisdom.

2 Responses

  1. I’d forgotten he was from the future, oh, my. I agree he’s marvelous. That was my first experience of him live. All day today, I’ve been feeling realigned, full of new possibilities, even strangely comfortable being myself, which is strange because I didn’t know I wasn’t comfortable.
    It was great meeting you, Edward, and your easy-t0-love Belle.

    1. So great to meet you, too! (Plus I loved that that mini-earthquake happened right during the one minute period where he was getting back into the channeling state.)
      An awesome day!

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