First time this is challenging to write as I just got back into SF post 4am wake-up for 6 am flight.  But I will be a disciplined writer and forge on!
Spent the morning on complex financial transactions (a tax payment, then a confirming call to the IRS — we are on great terms, but just wanted to let them know how much I care — then transferring cash to another bank, then my option money being fed-ex in the middle of things so a second trip to the bank, and then another significant deposit arrived via wire transfer so I was able to do a few more online transaction and on and on ).  [Dear reader, VERY rich people like myself are forced to spend lots of time counting our loot.]
Dana’s noon at the Lotus was so wonderful and refreshing and inspiring on multiple levels — more on that later (meaning tomorrow).
A million or more people wanted to see me this trip — nothing breeds desire like unavailability via a narrow time frame — but I could see only one in the afternoon, and so I opted for Hudson Hassan — the 6 week old son of Tamer (who started as my filmmaking assistant and ended up associate producing Miracle in Rwanda and producing one of my yoga DVDs) and Katey Lang who is awesome (and who has a few times been my yoga model for events).  They more or less met through me, via yoga, via my birthday party, via everything and now … the rest is history, including this little adorable baby I got to hold for 40 minutes.  Completely revitalizing and re-aligning.
Then I rushed back to Amy’s to have a 2 hour and 15 minute Human Design reading on the phone from Carol Zimmerman, a senior teacher at their institute that completely rocked my world.  More on that later, too.  [It arrived later last night via an audio file and I listened to the whole thing again this morning somewhere between Chicago and Nebraska.]

Oh, and landing in Oakland this morning an angel texted me — but more on that tomorrow as well when I’m fresh and back on PST.

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