The Brotherhood of Man & Mouse

After all the excitement yesterday with BAY WOOF magazine post Laughing Lotus teacher’s meeting, I retired home to watch the end of KILL SHOT and the final HARRY POTTER movie.
I did, however, manage to capture the cutest little Magic Cottage mouse who has been visiting us via my iphone from the loft bed.
Belle has absolutely no interest in this mouse, and he seems rather timid about getting too close to either of us.  [FYI,  felt obliged to add music to the clip and since I’ve been having lots of Lilias White in my head chose this –– although but perhaps it’s really about the Brotherhood of Man AND Mouse].
Note 2:  I’m not sure yet how I load a still of the video into WordPress and have it just play –– but I will figure it out.  Right now, I guess it opens in Itunes.

This morning, Susan and I watched the Abraham-Hicks event live in Phoenix on the Interweb at 8 am.  Great content and delightful to see LLS and Philip waving to us from the audience.
In between the breaks, Susan busted out some archival drawings from the CHRONICLE and also the first book she ever wrote at 10 years old about Hiccup the Mouse from Mars.    [Odd to think Susan started out as a Science Fiction author.]
As I write this, I have decided that my little cottage mouse’s name is “Hiccup” –– although I currently still believe my mouse is earthly in origin.
Meanwhile, during the event, I simultaneously downloaded seven hours worth of complete crackpot files from Dan about further alien channeling via Wendy Kennedy (no relation to Susan).
Somehow I think this is all very symmetrical and full of uncanny parallels between mice and aliens and various Kennedies in some baffling and mystical way that will eventually become clear.
As a final comment, I go through obsessive bouts of matching my own and friend’s photos on MY HERITAGE to see which celebrities we most resemble.  I was astonished to see that a recent photo of myself bears an uncanny 76% algorithmic match to Gary Barlow, the lead singer of a 90s British Boy Band called TAKE THAT.
I’d never heard of them, but they were apparently the biggest group of the decade, with every song pretty much beginning “Girl, I ______.”
Perhaps I will incorporate a lot of TAKE THAT into the workshop I’m creating for the Lotus in Jan/Feb entitled GO WITH YOUR GUT!, a tribute to core strength.
And if we’re really lucky, I’ll weave in some alien information with perhaps a special guest appearance by “Hiccup.”

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