HUman Design

Read through and noted all my (multitude of) questions re: the book I’m editing. 3.5 hour meeting with the memoirist to gain insights. And then listened to my super-great, ultra-crackpot reading of my Human Design Chart reading (via MP3), which is actually 3 readings and about 5 hours long. And well ...
Listened to the last David Neagle Q&A call today and rather than try to get electronically called on during it to ask my question, I decided it was wiser (and more fun) to ask it turning a game of Transformation with Susan this afternoon. If you don’t know what Transformation is … CHECK THI...
First, I think it’s only fair to say that I’ve accepted that my best guy friend Dan has been abducted by aliens. There’s really no other explanation for 2 days without communication, particularly given that he’s in Sedona. And, more importantly, quite frankly that’s what he...
Last year on New Year’s Eve I was reclining in business class on a Virgin Airlines flight to Sydney, en route to the New Zealand/Australia cruise that really did change my life. Frankly, I’ve had a lot of New Year’s Eve experiences in my day including (in what feels like another life) my ...
If you have been reading here, you know I have been exploring deeply the Human Design situation of being an emotional projector and thus –– much like a Vampire unable to enter a home unbidden –– being required to WAIT for invitations for all major things in life. And in typically hilarious fashion, the Uni...
First time this is challenging to write as I just got back into SF post 4am wake-up for 6 am flight.  But I will be a disciplined writer and forge on! Post TRIXIE + PEANUT, I … Spent the morning on complex financial transactions (a tax payment, then a confirming call to the IRS — we are on grea...
Perhaps post-Bashar high –– and according to him my brain was being re-wired during our time together –– Sunday morning fell into a deep morass of misery.  Now apparently according to our L.O.A. friends, I shouldn’t re-create it here, but … let’s just say that all the circumstances and ch...