Swimming Pools and Movie Stars

Subbing for Jasmine at 9 am was sublime.  The yogis were hardcore sweet.  Ended up playing tons of Nina Simone, thus felt there wasn’t so much I could say to compete and just let the class flow.
Lunch in Oakland with new friend/Bestselling Author Amy Ahlers (her new book is #1 in a zillion self-help categories on amazon) was fantastic. 
She completely revised/revamped/upgraded/downloaded a perfect new business plan for me.  Later we discovered the obvious:  that in Human Design she is a Generator (more like a Generator Genius).
And .. drum-roll of the century — my Hollywood Option Contracts are DONE!
They arrived along with a cast list that reads like, to quote Dan, “Hunk-a-rama,” (although despite not having any film or tv credits nor being an actor, he was still rather hurt not to be on it.)
Another particularly great thing about the Cast List:  it has pictures of each actor.  Somehow no four pieces of paper have ever been more fun.
It is the Ultimate Wish List of every 14 year-old girl.
And although, as in HIGHLANDER, “there can be only one”, it’s still beyond delightful because it has a famous logo at the top and industry information and feels very, very real.
I love my entertainment attorney for about a million reasons, including that she works at the strangest hours EVER and read the contracts around 1:30 am NYC time so that I felt comfortable signing in the am.
Not exactly a swimming pool, but a lovely beach walk earlier in the afternoon with Susan to celebrate options and cast and life (and her triumphs as well.)
Nightcap of a cozy shared episode of the Millionaire Matchmaker with Susan and Val.
Dreamed extensively about conversations with a wonderful former yoga private client — multi-Tony winner playwright — completing my day of star-adjacent writer dreaming come true.
(And soon — very soon — I will be able to announce each and every starstruck detail herein.)

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