Yesterday, Susan spoke at the Goddess Collective in Oakland.  She was (as always) beyond amazing, inspiring, and nourishing –– but today Belle and I are exhausted from our appreciation level.   [Our friend Amy Ahlers spoke right before her and was also sensational.]
First, the Goddess Collective in the best possible way employed every single trope of New Age/Girl Power vocabulary and practice.  I’m sure you’ve seen this by now, but if you haven’t:

I LOVED the event — as did Belle — but it really does backfire a bit on me, reinforcing any vestigial aspects of DUDENESS, even putting me more deeply in touch with my INNER REPUBLICAN.
Recently, I wrote what is perhaps my first ever fan letter (technically an email) to Simone Dinnerstein, the pianist I worship.  [I do admit I’ve written other actor fan-ish letters before, but always with a very open agenda regarding some role I wanted to cast them in.’  Dinnerstein wrote back, however, and I cannot wait for her rescheduled concert on February (although sad Susan will be teaching the people of Hawaii how to write and transform) in particularly because she’s invited us backstage.
Have you watched her gorgeous video yet?  Stop EVERYTHING and watch:

Anyway — I am reminded of a birthday in 2004 when I went backstage to meet Hugh Jackman in A BOY FROM OZ.
My friend the Super-Great Isabel Keating played Judy Garland in it — she was actually nominated for a Tony and deserved it completely — and afterwards Roger and I went backstage to congratulate her and have our moment with Hugh.
I totally “got it” — he was amazing charismatic in the show — but I am secretly even more excited about meeting Dinnerstein, given that I listen to her music constantly.  I like the X-men as much as the next (non-goddessy) person but Hugh and I just haven’t bonded artistically on that level yet.
It’s very interesting to think about all of Susan and Amy Ahler’s fans clamoring for autographs of their bestsellers after the event, excited to be so close to someone who’s touched them so deeply.
It is a slightly different experience when you’re carpooling with the person to the event, but nonetheless, last night Belle and I were both very STARSTRUCK by how amazing our friend Susan was.
In an evening devoted to Goddess Energy, she really does shine UNBELIEVABLY BRIGHTLY.

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