Last night Val guided me –– via text –– through a releasing the bubble meditation before I sent out my mass email about my Summer Coaching program.
I did modify it a bit –– substituting Peonies for Roses, given that I’d just bought a bouquet that day at Trader Joe’s –– and I improvised a bit further with other imagery, too.
I did the meditation right before bed, deciding to launch the email while I was asleep.
This did mean that I woke up to 50+ “I’m out of the office” emails, but alongside that several inquiries and congratulations as well.
This morning, set a new jump roping record –– 18 minutes –– followed by teaching a private, then Bikram, and then a beach walk with Susan and Belle.
Belle clearly needed one to release some of her tremendous energy since our last beach walk was on Thursday, before all the crowds and Golden Gate Bridge celebrations this weekend.
By the way, here are the peonies I bought yesterday and they seemed perfect for the bubble visualization in that they open super-abundantly.
And super-fast, since they were mostly in buds hours before.
This speedy opening was predicted by an odd gentleman ahead of me in the Trader Joe’s line who looked at them and said, “Ah … Ponies!”
I told him it was “Peonies” but he didn’t believe me.
Then the clerk and I pointed to the sign that said, “The Peonies are here” but he still wasn’t convinced, recalling that an ex-girlfriend of his had opened a flower shop called “Peonies” — or “Ponies” — “from Heaven.”
In the end it seemed wisest to say something neutral like “Well, I guess people have different ways of pronouncing things,” and let him go through life thinking there’s a flower called “Ponies” that looks exactly like the ones above.
And wasn’t it Shakespeare who said that a Peony, by any other name, opens just as effortless as a pink energy bubble, or an email blast spreading across the vastness of cyberspace as we sleep.