Our Miraculous Carpool

Yesterday felt that alignment was so needing to be my top priority that I headed right to Kabuki to soak.  Beyond necessary.  [And on the way, a double-sized bus pulled up next to me in the convertible –– I was baffled why –– so the driver could say he liked my ride.  Honestly.  He actually said, “So much easier for you to pick up honeys in those wheels than these.”

Returning home to pick up a package of clothing from PrAna — awesome — and a surprise package of NORTHERN EXPOSURE DVDs from my friend James in Alaska.  Frankly, the packaging alone is delightful.
Susan, Val, and Belle and I drove to UC Davis for the extraordinary performance of LLS in our play, MIRACLE IN RWANDA.  I honestly think that this was Leslie’s best performance.  Amazing.  Always a standing ovation, but the silence afterwards seemed infinite and profound.  I actually had to start the clapping since people were so blown away by her work, the story, and the production.
And one more thing:  difficult traffic leaving the city but it was truly fantastic to be in the carpool lane.  I would have count Belle as the third passenger, but with Val on board we were secure.  There was easily a 20 minute stretch where others were crawling and we were flying.
It reminded me of someone famous’ saying that the sangha (community) is the real yoga.  Being a group allowed us to bypass all the snags and delays and snarls and flow freely.
No dissing the bus driver’s compliment –– and without any schadenfreude for those in the regular lanes –– traveling with the like-minded is so much more joyous — and speedy.

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