Susan thinks I can coast on this for more than a day –– but I severely doubt that will happen –– but I was ecstatic by my conversation today with my amazing producer about the script.
Basically, she offered that it’s actually totally ready to send out, but she had a few sage suggestions to bring it to the next level (of awesomeness), ones that I am happy to do because they are both wise and relatively easy.
And then, raced to catch one of the few 3-D showings of PINA with Rhiannon — which I somehow missed last fall, despite my dance obsession (for years, I was always sneaking away to see dance performances by myself.)
I’ve long been a PB fan –– I think the last piece I saw live was at 2008 at BAM –– and I really have to say, the film really is genius (although a little too arty for Belle, who slept throughout at our feet).
Her quote about “Dance … Dance … otherwise we are lost” reminds me so much of Rumi:
“Dance, when you’re broken open.
Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off.
Dance in the middle of the fighting.
Dance in your blood.
Dance, when you’re perfectly free.”
So gorgeous … so worth it.
Honestly, have you ever seen anything better than this?
Or this: