One Beauty Shop At A Time

I’ve certainly been helped by generous investors before and so I really love the spirit of Kiva –– particularly that seemingly negligible amounts can do universes of good.
Semi-accidentally, I’ve loaned to two or three entrepreneurs in the beauty business –– in Colombia and Lebanon –- and as one started to pay me back, I diverted the funds to another.
And –– especially given that I REALLY needed to head to the spa for hot and cold plunges today to de-stress –– I was thrilled to support another go-getter overseas.
And it’s nice to know that my small loan to smiling Sandra Milena (pictured above) –– “to buy dyes, straighteners, an iron, nail polish, cosmetics, and accessories” –– is making some village in Columbia that much more attractive.
Speaking of which –– super-fun to be part of this Amy Ahler’s video for SARK’s Video Party on Saturday 1/19 (sign up on where I speak about the importance of Looking Good.  [I’m not kidding;  I’m always on point.]


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