Finished re-reading all the transcripts for the 17 hours of David Neagle calls (actually, there are two I only have audio for, so listened to 17 hours and read through 15.)
Amazing and inspirational –– and like the missing piece (for me) between all the Law of Attraction stuff and The Real World.
He recommends a bunch of books in the course, many either classics or obscure turn of the century texts, including Vernon Howard’s THE POWER OF YOUR SUPERMIND (1975) which I actually have read years ago.
I’ve ordered copies of everything on either Amazon or from the Library and my copy of SUPERMIND arrived today with this tender inscription:
And now –– I can only wonder –– what happened to Heidi and Dave since 3-31-98.
He did love her once, that I’m sure of.
Are they still together?
Have them become intertwined SUPERMINDS in some other dimension?
I wonder …
HOUSE OF AIR for my second class this morning, this time joined with Susan.  Then a beach walk with Belle despite our short window and the cold.
I snuck away early afternoon to soak and steam briefly at the spa, before my meeting with Dori (who looks EXACTLY like Claire Danes) to talk about business possibilities for us.
So many of the Neagle themes came into play –– especially being comfortable with being uncomfortable — as we discussed all my projects and the broad scope of things.  It was one of those meetings that’s really good, but leaves more questions than answers.  So much room for progress and growth, however, and although it’s all still evolving, I have a really good feeling about this possibility.
And –– right before, and right in the middle of a Hollywood agent/manager call –– my new watch arrived from Hong Kong that I love:  Tintin, to remind me that it really is all about a boy’s adventures with his dog, solving mysteries and fighting crime.  (Right, Belle?)

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