Very intense leaving at 4 am for San Francisco, but delightful to land at 11 am and have the full day ahead.
As I said, I spent a large chunk of the flight listening to my Human Design reading, one that has totally rocked my world and redefined so much for me.  Still processing it all but took extensive notes during the re-listening and emailed them to Susan for dinner time discussion.
Landing in Oakland, we went straight to Trader Joe’s to replenish ourselves and then extensive emailings etc. until a much-needed collapse.  Not before, however, picking up my SQUARE UP device at the UPS store.  LIVING to take credit card transactions now for ANYTHING.  (I’m not kidding — just try me.)
Awoke from intense nap to have dinner with Susan at Plant, also freshly returned from her transforming the people of San Luis Obispo with her weekend workshop. Belle has won over most of the staff who greet her with promises of chicken smuggled from the kitchen and promptly deliver throughout our meal.
Susan and I watched the first 30 minutes of ANTM that we missed last week (and truly A LOT happened in those moments) and an awesome, pre-finale episode of THE MILLIONAIRE MATCHMAKER.  For once, what seems like a really good match with a really happy ending.  [No one loves Patti more than me, but I’m glad she’s removed the “99% success rate” from her self-description since 0.1% of the matches on the show work out; I blame the Bravo producers of course and not our beloved MM.]
What can I share about the Human Design reading that might be of interest …
Well, one thing is that we ended up getting into an intense and interesting discuss of HOPE and GUILT.
I side with Emily Dickinson:
“Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all”
IE, I’m into hope.
Beyond the previous entry where I wrote about my own mystic synchronity over being called “a messenger of hope,” the theme keeps appearing in my work and those closest to me.
For example, in MIRACLE IN RWANDA we always described Immaculée as a “real life messenger of hope.”  Or take Susan who often speaks of her mission as being “a beacon of hope.”
But in Human Design — or maybe just my analyst’s — thinking, Hope is more related to fantasy — ie, “winning the lottery” — than the meanings I have of it regarding inspiration, example, faith, and vision.
On the other hand, GUILT is not my favorite thing.   And that’s what my reading said was part of my mission.
But she meant guilt as this kind of kick-your-ass and wake-you-up way.  IE, guilt thought of as a positive motivator to get people to take responsibility and take action.  Guilt as a vehicle for transformation via re-alignment and active changes.
But come on — they’ve got to find a SEXIER term for that concept.  (If the 80s taught us anything, it’s that GUILTY FEET have got NO rhythm).
Right now, musing on the ways that Hope/Guilt have common territory — minus the fantasy and minus the blaming, respectively — as motivators for True Transformation.
[Oh Emily D and George Michael — if only you two had ever collaborated on this, my soul’s mission would now be crystal clear.]

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