Looking Cute Does Not Pay The Bills

Like Tintin, I awoke today and immediately did a long (6 minute) headstand.
Apparently Tintin also does yoga in another one of his adventures, again without any explanation –– it’s just sort of happening and no one remarks or even seems to notice it.
Belle’s massive rib and bone consumption last night lead to two wake-up moments during the night.  I couldn’t tell if she wanted to go out or wanted water or just felt like hanging out.  I always fall back to sleep but it always leaves me with a slightly hung-over feeling when I get up for real, an hour later than usual.
I have been realizing I need to shift away from my two classes on the schedule at the Laughing Lotus and just return to the Sub List.  (sigh)
Mostly, it’s about the Opportunity Costs inherent in NOT writing the screenplay of the novel in the short amount of time that William Goldman and I both feel I can (I love his ornery pragmatism).   Thus, I  subbed out my Friday class and shared my situation with Jasmine, and then headed out with Susan to the beach.
Note:  I do believe the Lotus will always be a part of my life –– and last I knew the 1/29 ab workshop is still on the schedule ––  but right now even though teaching there has so many satisfactions, it feels completely competitive with the larger vision of what I’m creating.
In any case, today’s morning beach walk was very spectacular, with Belle valiantly retaining the same stick for all of 2012 thus far.  She really is an extraordinary swimmer, probably chasing the stick and being in the water for over an hour every time we go.  She is amazing.
My turn to soak afterwards at Imperial Day Spa after a wonderful journey to the library for various books I’d reserved for projects and one incredible find, a book so delightfully parallel but utterly different to the plot of the new play that I spotted out of the corner of my eye.
Tonight, as part of a calculated positive/negative experience on writing (meaning versus last night’s horror film of screewriting), I listed to Susan’s WINS program intro call which was fantastic, uplifting and inspiring.  I think it’s probably sold out by now, but if you’re in need of a boost as a writer, head directly to Planet Sark for joy and empowerment.
And then … IT’S A BRAD, BRAD WORLD –– yet another Bravo series demanding my attention but giving me so much in return.  (Even the TIMES begrudgingly sort of gets IT.)
Perhaps the best line:  “Looking cute does not pay the bills –– I need to be getting people ready for the red carpet, not walking the red carpet.”
The show is appealing –– Brad is Canadian and somehow that northern goodness shines through –– although it is perfectly within the “reality” TV universe that his partner of 10 years is a TV sitcom zillionaire (Family Guy, Will & Grace) with a spectacular Hollywood Hills home.  [FYI, given the way filming works, if a house looks good on TV, in real life it’s going to be astonishing.  Their house already looks amazing, so one can only imagine what TV syndication money buys.]
Nonetheless, I can relate to the very small subcategory of humans with terrific soundbites but still in need of that next gig, of red carpet moments mixed with lots uncertainty.  In some ways, Brad and I are both chasing movie stars, he to dress them and me to have them star in my film.
Most importantly –– with possibly the singular exception of Belle –– we’re both deeply aware that looking cute does NOT pay the bills (sigh).

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