Inexplicably, my iPhone 4 screen cracked yesterday.
I didn’t drop it –– just put it into my bag –– but somehow the screen was semi-shattered.
After a visit to the Apple Store with Belle, I did upgrade to the 5 (let’s be honest, I’m in it for the long haul with Apple) and decided also to splurge on the Applecare.
This means I can have 2 “no fault” instances in the next year where I can just get the phone replaced for $50 –– even if I decide to explore cleaning it in the dishwasher.
There was, therefore, a moment where I debated about getting the rubber case for my new phone –– which, by the way, did nothing to protect the iPhone 4 –– given that I have 2 opportunities to get this phone replaced for a mere $50.
It seems almost self-defeating to have a case as thick as the salesperson did for one’s new phone when the whole point of the iPhone 5 is its sleek, thin elegant appearance.
And so for now at least, I’m celebrating that –– without my phone covered by any protective rubber casing –– I’m living Life on the ($50) Edge.

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