One of the things I loved most about Belle was how discerning she was.

She had superb taste in music and art.

And even more so in people.

She was never distracted by the superficial.

Even if she was working with a male model on a shoot, her eyes with completely fixed on me.

And while she definitely knew all her angles, when cavorting with another professional model, our dear friend Gro, she was more playfully disruptive than poseur.

Significantly, although for a decade I made my living teaching yoga, no one was less impressed with my physical practice than Belle.

I could stand on my head until the end of time.

I could do any manner of back flip or arm balance and she just didn’t care.

All that mattered was that she could could reach out to me with her paw.

The same was true when other friends came around.

She was often a superb photo bomber.

For example here she is with her yoga friend Cristy Candler,lovingly sneaking her way into the frame.

Belle knew what was important...and she knew how to keep things simple.

That’s why SIMPLICITY is the theme of this month’s meditation HERE.

Speaking of which…

I’ve been re-reading a book that’s meant a lot to me lately, REST by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang.

In particular, I’m deeply attracted to the book’s subtitle: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less.

(Isn’t that what we all want?)

I reached out to the author and I’m happy to announce we’re going to discuss all this further.

I’m going to have a FB live about it on Thursday May 13th at 1:30 EST with Alex.

You’ll also be able to ask him any questions, as well.

And…that’s it for today.

I know I usually have a lot more to say.

This is indeed a very short newsletter.

That’s because I’m trying to keep it simple.

So enjoy the meditation.

And if you want to join us for the author discussion, mark the date in your calendar and better yet, grab a copy of his book HERE.

Like Belle, we can all aspire to be supermodels who get more done by working less.

Namaste for Now,

P.S. New Meditation is HERE.

Plus save the date: May 13th, 1:30 pm EST for our discussion of REST.

And if you missed my Wellness Secrets Webinar, you can watch it HERE.

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