Sunday in NYC — So utterly immersive an experience, almost feeling as though I’ve never left.
Delightful breakfast with Amy, Lenn, young Harry, and of course Belle at Cafeteria — very SEX IN THE CITY vibe (including the first time in a long time I’ve waited in line for brunch.)
Dropped off a stack of UPWARD DOGs I’d lugged from San Francisco at TRIXIE & PEANUT, the site of  tonight’s (Monday’s) Humane Society BENEFIT.  Truly the most chic pet store ever — co-owned by the youngest-ever design director for Tiffany’s — and I can’t wait.
An afternoon and evening of email reminders — promotion IS exhausting but even Lady Gaga has to do it — with a beyond delightful extended dance interlude.
Amy’s mom Cynthia swung by after the two of them had seen IN THE UPPER ROOM for the umpteenth time.  I’ve only seen it three or four times since college but we are all kinda obsessed.  (I’ve even incorporated one of the Philip Glass pieces into my morning visualization, thus think of it DAILY.)

Frankly, IN THE UPPER ROOM is a work of genius.  Check out just a little of the movement here.  I mean … Come on!
Went to the Tharp archive and found this great quote:  “Tharp has described her movements here as ‘fierce, driving, and relentless,’ aiming to make some furiously fast unison moves ‘burn the retina.'”
After Adrian arrived (who loved my $5 haircut not knowing its price),  Harry (turning 7 next month) gave us an amazing dance performance ranging from Sinatra to Lady Gaga.  [He actually really and truly is a great dancer.]
Dinner with Adrian at Le Sing Vert — somehow it’s become a mini-tradition — where we rehearsed San Francisco decorating conversations, all of which felt like echoes of our Vancouver and Florida decorating conversations — but this time for my new San Francisco pad.
And then home to the computer and more inviting and re-inviting and posting and re-posting about TONIGHT.
It seems that the dance of Project Promotion, like IN THE UPPER ROOM, is also “fierce, driving, and relentless” indeed.  (And if we’re being honest, today my retinas are kind of burning.)


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