I’m not questioning it. Just appreciating it.

Wrote this entry however many thousand feet in the air — saved it — and now it’s gone.  Have landed in NYC and pre-sleep, must summarize Friday.
Friday — 11/11/11 — and at 11:11 am frolicked with Susan on the phone and 11:11 pm dove into a hot bath to cleanse and renew.
My Lotus reception was quiet and perfect.  No competing gorilla outfits, like at Jeffrey, and one new friend David who trained there and walks dogs and was so lovely.  Will write more after Monday’s NYC events (that I think a lot of people are coming to apparently.)  I even have a drinks sponsor in Izze.  (That makes it sound SERIOUS and POPULAR, right?)
The most amazing haircut — see yesterday’s entry — after sadness that it was Veteran’s Day and thus no mail and thus no credit card swiping system arriving pre-NYC events from SquareUp.  (I just long for scenarios where I get to swipe people’s credit cards and get money.)
My non-guilty guilty pleasures of WB shows before bed.
And a sign from the universe that things are really going well:  my first free margarita at Don Pisto’s.
For no reason I can figure out, the waiter Ali said of my first and only drink (didn’t even buy any food):   “This one’s one me.”
I’m not questioning it.  Just appreciating it.


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