Has High School Musical Taught Us Nothing?

The New Meditation is HERE.

The Universe has a wicked sense of humor.

Continuing my adventures with the E-Squared experiments, the next assignment was:

Ask “The Universe” a question with a 48-hour deadline.

Expect some kind of clear message.

My question was immediately obvious.

So was the deadline: this Friday morning.

And sure enough, I woke up to find something remarkable.

Instead of my usual view of my terrace (from the roof to give you perspective):

Instead this is what “the Universe” offered me…

We’re talking about a two-story tree falling over in the middle of the night during a storm, one so mild Belle and I completely slept through it.

So…is that really the Universe’s (rather grim) Message for me?

And, if you’ll recall from an email much earlier in the year, getting the tree here required four movers struggling for several hours.

A hopeful thought…

Perhaps this was the Universe telling me that things can get rocky but easily fixed, no matter how upside down they get?

Unfortunately, crawling under the branches to get to the base got me soaking wet, and, when I tried to get the tree upright, it was obvious immediately it was going to be impossible. 

Was the “Universe’s Cosmic Message” therefore that Belle and I were meant to live with this as our new “rainforest-decor”?

And then…here’s what happened.

I texted my friend Robbie who would be nearby after teaching his class.

Together, it took us about fifteen seconds to resurrect the tree.

Note: this wasn’t about brute strength or manpower.

It was about needing to approach the problem from two angles.

One of us had to lift and the other had to push. 

(I wish I had paid more attention in high school physics and could explain it better, but I think you get it.)

And then I thought that maybe that was the “Universe’s Message” regarding my question:

What’s impossible for one person is effortless for two.

Or, to use the (slightly annoying) business catchphrase:

“Teamwork makes the dreamwork.”

(Or, to quote the finale of High School Musical: “We’re all in this together!”)

This message makes a lot of sense actually, given a few things I’m launching soon in partnership, and my own tendency to think I have to go it alone.

One final thing: 

That morning a dragonfly also appeared in my apartment (I think from the tree). 

Dragonflies are traditional symbols of the mind, of light and illusion, and the need for meditation and breath. 

Combining all of this, this month’s meditation HERE is about our Interconnectedness, our Teamwork if you will, emphasizing as always, the breath.

Namaste for Now,  

P.S. Just in case some of you don’t quite believe how frequently and delightedly the universe likes to slap me down, I posted this little video documenting our getting my tree upright.

It’s actually pretty boring.

Robbie and I crawl under the branches.

We’re lost in the rainforest for 40 seconds.

You can hear my terrace neighbor over the fence offering to help.

And then, suddenly the tree is tall again.

Tall and clear and steady…my two-story maple moonlighting as a “Message from the Universe.”

Bonus Video…Me Setting the (still stunned) Dragonfly Free!

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