So somewhere between midnight and Saturday morning, the compact refrigerator in the cottage died, more or less.
When I took it out and replaced it today, I saw that it was made in 1988 –– so it has served at least 24 years.
There was an interesting moment when I wasn’t quite sure if the mini had room for the box, and the clerk at Best Buy wasn’t at all encouraging.
But with the top down and a little optimism, it fit perfectly, with little Belle wedged right next to it in the back seat.
I do have one other thing I want to report about today.
If you’ve been reading, you know that I have a notebook that is rapidly filling up with instances of Subtle Magic.  Today there was a perfect example of that.
Returning home from another of our errands, I noticed that someone that left a broken bottle still mostly inside a paper bag along the edge of the road where we always park.  I was attempting to see if I could gather the pieces without cutting myself and it felt pretty futile, until I looked up and saw a man two houses down sweeping his sidewalk, complete with a dust pan, who acknowledged my good citizenship and solved the dangerous glass problem completely.
I wished for a way to clean up the broken glass and instantly a man with broom and dustpan appears.
Ask and it is given, aka Subtle Magic 101.

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