Belle’s first signing was a triumph.
Trixie + Peanut was an ideal venue.
So heartening that the first two people there who bought books were  … STRANGERS!  This great guy who learned of it through twitter and then another woman who was shopping in the store and drawn to the book.
So many wonderful friends showed up — several kids + at one point there were about six dogs frolicking.
Trixie + Peanut is clearly designed by a manipulative genius who placed all the dog toys in easy reach.  Hence Belle tried to steal about 40 different toys in the course the night (her host friend  pictured below  — we share custody of Belle when I’m in NYC — bought her a ball and her beloved Marie Carter let her pick up a toy;  she selected a bagel that was designed as Hannukah gelt.)
Then a delightful after party at Bosie’s Tea Shop.  Pictured here, perhaps the world’s two cutest humans:  Adrian & Sarah.

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