Literally counting down the seconds until 3:47 PST today when Mercury went direct.
I don’t like to get too invested in all this astrology S&*T but … when your 2 month old modem needs to be replaced and the cable company can’t find you and you buy tickets to a screening that vanishes, all within 2 days … it’s time to reconsider.
Lawrence, the Cable Repair Guy, swapped out the modem and suddenly I was back in business this morning.
Some Creative Consult Calls and numerous emails with my agent about our pending book deal(s)–– I won’t announce until the contracts are signed and the ink is dry –– in the middle of a yoga client no-show (retrograde still in effect) and several apologetic emails from folks getting back to me later than they wanted.  [They should have taken the “Retrograde Defense.”]
Mostly, however, I am thrilled that while jump roping the perfect gift for Jonah (turning 9) next week occurred to me, seconded by his mother.
Cannot wait to wake up tomorrow (albeit at 5:30 am) with tons of Mercury direct energy on my side.
[And ecstatic to go to sleep with a 53.7% open rate for my email blast ––  and that’s versus the industry average open rate of 7.5%–– and only a 0.3% spam rate –– my service Constant Contact wants you at 0.1%, meaning only 1 in 1,000 people can complain about you.]
So statistically speaking, I’m doing alright indeed.
Going DIRECT(ly) to bed …

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