For many years, Fashion Designer Tom Ford has shared that he takes 4 to 5 hot baths a day.
This starts when he wakes at 4:30 a.m.
The next is after his morning workout, then at 6 before evening obligations, and finally one at his 10:30 bedtime.
(Note: I’m not sure when he squeezes in bath #5).
Ford admits these soaks are obviously less about cleanliness than creating moments of serenity .
Way back in 2019, which seems like a lifetime ago, the platform for my new course announced that their theme for 2020 was Self-Care.
(Just FYI, my course launches this summer).
Seems like Tom Ford was (fittingly) WAY AHEAD of the curve here.
In fact, he was practicing what might be called EXTREME SELF-CARE.
And I encourage all of us to do the same.
It may not be five baths a day.
It could be three (guilt-free) naps, for example.
What matters right now is that you:
• Don’t underestimate the stresses of this time, and
• Employ the best ways of taking care of yourself (even if it feels a little decadent)
All of this is why the theme of this Meditation of the Month is Self-Care –– HERE .
Finally…if you feel like sharing any of your favorite Self-Care practices with me, please do.
I’d love to celebrate them.
Namaste for Now,
P.S. Let’s stay connected:
• Daily Yoga / Meditation Moments (different times) HERE.
• Sunday noon $1 donation class each week HERE.
• Inner Circle Membership (May 13 opening) HERE.