“Everyone has a plan … until they get punched in the face,” according to Mike Tyson.
Somehow that encapsulated the weirdness of my day, which was largely devoted to learning about real estate issues since I want to buy something in the Fall.
I enrolled in a once-a-month workshop, but the 5 hour workshop turned into the counselor working with a couple for two hours, and then with me for 1.5 hours.  Probably that was a much more effective use of our time, although it did involve an unanticipated 2 hours of “hanging around.”
Don’t get me wrong –– it was extremely informative to go through numerous scenarios and factors in the home owner equation and I’m really, really glad I went.
And if I had to summarize it for the reader, my Big Takeaway was, “Attempt to have as much money as humanly possible –– it’s a lot easier that way.”
Frankly, that’s true for pretty much everything.
And in other news, deeply and totally inspired more and more by the video possibilities for the book trailer.  Casting and sponsorship and music and locations are all falling into place rather beautifully.
[And with this kind of creative thing, history has shown that the Universe and I rarely ever come to blows.]

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