The world feels pretty sleep on this day before Christmas Eve, although Belle and I have been working away.
We started with a morning yoga client (at 9:30 –- Thank God –– not 6 am), walking there together in the rain.
Later in the day, however, the little dog started limping as we exited my car for a trip to the art supply store for more paint for the new canvas.
I’m going to write for another hour or so and take her for an evening walk, hoping that whatever little kink she has has worked itself out. [This is one of those rare occasions when I’m confounded by how sweet Belle is since I can’t tell if she’s in any serious discomfort.]
And even though Askimet stops almost all my spam on this blog –– which ranges from 10 to 30+ a day –– today, there was only one item to delete.
Even The Spammers (and perhaps even the Spam Robots) are off-duty, it seems.