I remember this day vividly, but only time for a shorter entry tonight.
Intense practice in the am (7 minute headstand), then taught my Lotus 12:30 to the largest class ever (I have no idea why).   I also went into it with a complete freedom to just teach what I felt was most compelling for me, even throwing in a peacock or two, and the whole thing was quite satisfying.

Met Susan at the Apple store where I replaced headphones and she made inquiries about various purchases.  When we arrived at the beach it had started to rain, a fact that seemed inconsequential to us.  Walked for at least 40 minutes in the rain, getting thoroughly soaked.

Post rain-soaked walk, cornmeal pizza in and watched DOWN WITH LOVE, a movie I find quite charming and Susan hadn’t seen before.   Catcher Block — man’s man, ladies’ man, and man-about-town.  [A touch of irony/prescience, in that I was listening to the Streisand “Down With Love” on my solo beach walk yesterday before knowing Susan had recorded the movie.]

And of course, a little Vampire Diaries before bed since I do have to keep up with what’s happening with all my young friends in Mystic Falls.  Between all the vampires, werewolves, and witches, someone has to keep an eye on those kids — and for better or worse, that someone is me.

One Response

  1. I love that the rain is “inconsequential” and that you walked and walked. Ah, walking in the rain is SUCH a beautiful thing! And, when you can find the beauty in one moment, you are more likely to find the beauty in the next.
    Wish you were nearby so that I could pop in on your yoga classes! XO, Katherine.

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